Monday, March 28, 2011

Bright Spots at Wednesday Night Tutoring

One emerging practice at KPC Wednesday Night Tutoring doesn't quite have a name yet. Toward the end of the evening we gather all the kids and tutors in the main room in the basement and ask a simple question: "Did you do anything good at school this week?" Hands shoot up. "I got an 'A' on a test." Clap, clap, clap. "I got a star on my Math worksheet." Clap, clap, clap. "I was rewarded for good behavior." Clap, clap, clap. "I rescued a kitty and brought it to the Humane Society where I now volunteer." Clap, clap, clap.

Discipline is a challenge at the tutoring program, but the kids really respond to the one-to-one attention from a positive, loving adult and to the other positive reinforcements that all of us at Wednesday Night Tutoring are implementing this year. I hope that we can continue build on the positive steps that the kids seem eager to report on and find ways to make the most of what progress they are making.

I found myself grinning from ear-to-ear last Wednesday when during Activity Time several tutors led the kids who chose this activity in rousing renditions of some classic silly Bible songs complete with motions and dancing. It was surprising and heartening to see some of our most confrontational and jaded tutoring kids goofing around without their characteristic guardedness.

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